Originally Posted by MetroMPG
A 50% credit on a PV system is better than a kick in the pants, eh?
Have you run the numbers yet on payback time?
For France :
. credit tax of 50% of material, limited to 4000 by adult and 200 by child.
. 3kW installed cost is between 20 and 25 000.
. I will generate about 3.15MWh/y, so I will earn 1800/y.
. You have to pay 650 to be connected to the grid then 60/y + 40/y taxes.
Our profitability: (22500+650-8200) / (1800-60-40) = 14950 / 1700 < 9 years
As the converter will have to be changed every 10 years and it costs about 1500 then profitability is 10 years.
But in Europe the data are different in all countries. Each country must have a certain percentage of renewable electricity before 2012.
In France the selling price (0.57/kWh) is currently the most important (iirc) but constraints are the worst. You can have credit tax under 3kWc and the house must be older than 2 years. To have max selling price the installation must be integrated into the roof (else it's 0.34/kWh).
Current law is valid until end 2009 so things will change in France in 2010.
One year ago I calculated for a little PV system with batteries to run my 3 24/7 computers. Return Over Investment was 50 years, but without counting batteries and converter changes... so there is no ROI.
Without credit tax nor high selling price, PV doesn't pay for themselves, except if you leave very far from the nearest electric point.