The question is: will injection of *Various Fluids & Vapors * directly in to the intake manifold enhance Fuel Efficiency,
reference document :
addition of this device is strongly discouraged on any unit operating with Catalytic Converters and computerized engine controls.
test bed: Old Yellar
Engine:NA inline 4 , 1800 CC * B* internals stock 103K miles
Ignition: Lucas 25D Points Type , custom vacuum and centrifugal advance curves
Carburetter: Skinners Union HIF 44 single side draught
Air Filter K&N in stock Coopers Can air box Cold Air Ram Induction
Timing Advance and Carb enrichment set *by ear* in reference to EGT and Manifold Vacuum
Device:AMPCO Auxiliary Lubrication ST100 New Old Stock here after known as the
Pickle Jar device is powered by intake manifold vacuum
this device differs from reference document insomuch as they are Vaporizers AKA Bubblers and the ST 100 draws fluids from the bottom of the bowl and Mixes then with ambient air using a filtered intake and an adjustable needle valve while referring to a sight glass .
specification fluid is Mystery Marvel Oil [MMO]
The Vehicle will not be returned to Zero State for base lines any baselines will be operation with only MMO .
Historical Baseline w/o the device is 27-29 MPG , no data provided
no runs will be made with Empty Vessel as required by rigorous testing.
Various Fluids are in consideration for the Mix to be injected hereinafter known as the
MMO: Light Lubricating Petroleum TOP OIL density 0.876,
mixes very slightly with alcohol not at all with water
Castor Oil : a lubricating product density 0.961
soluble in alcohol
Water: [H20] Density 1.0
Methanol: Methyl Alcohol[CH3OH] density 0.79
miscible with water
Nitromethane: an industrial solvent [ CH3NO2] density 1.137
mixes with water one part to ten, miscible with methanol
it would be desired to mix 10-20% Castor oil in the soup however it is the most expensive product.
proposed soup W/O water
Castor Oil 5%
NM 20 %
M 75 %
this mixture [20% Nitro] is readily available in consumer quantities
in any good hobby shop known as RC Glow Fuel
the density of this soup will be greater than MMO and the light oil will cap the mix and reduce volatile evaporation
it would be desired to mix the 20% Nitro 1/1 with water to extend the mixture however if trials show no effect at that level straight 20% nitro would be considered .
30% 40% 50% Nitro might be considered but the possibility catastrophic engine failure exists .careful adjustment of Ignition advance and carb enrichment must be done to preclude too lean a mixture in the combustion chamber and consequent detonation and valve burning.
feed rate to be NO MORE than 1 QT per tank of fuel appx 300-350 miles
other possible mixes :
MW50 [ Methanol/Water 50/50]
MW30 [methanol/water 30/70] AKA -20F windshield washer fluid
Pickle Jar on the fire wall and injector into the intake manifold midway between the Siamesed intake ports,after the throttle plate .
this means that as throttle application is decreased and manifold vacuum increases feed rate will increase .
Trials Commence in March