Originally Posted by CapriRacer
I think the link is NOT the book mentioned:
1) The link is to the first chapter of a book - and it appears that the chapter is named "Mechanics of Pnuematic Tires".
2) There are questions at the end that make it look suspiciously like a textbook.
3) Reference 1.2 is a reference back to "Mechanics of Pnuematic Tires". Surely, they wouldn't reference their own book!
4) I have the latest copy of "The Pnuematic Tire" (2005)and I borrowed a copy an earlier version (1981) titled "The Mechanics of Pnuematic Tires". In the latest version, they only reference one other version (1971). There are references in the link that are later in time (post 1981!), so the link is from something else.
I suspect the link is to the first chapter in a texbook the covers some related subject - perhaps vehicle dynamics.
Interesting. I found the links & posted them up, but haven't had time to get into the material yet (other than to look at the pictures).
There are links to three different sources:
1.) "Chapter 1" on Wiley. I don't know what it's excerpted from. I agree, it does look like a textbook. Maybe copying a block of text and googling it would bring up the entire work.
2.) "Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires", Clark, 1971. Only had time to skim it.
3.) "The Pneumatic Tire", Brewer, et.al. eds., 2006. Same as #2, noticed a couple diagrams that appear to be from #2, and made assumptions based on that. This one has review questions at the end of the chapters as well.
Is there another book out there, published in 2005? Or is it the same as #3, just a different printing(?) or release?
I was thinking of maybe trying to get together a "library", or a single post with a big list of quality reference materials. Maybe a list that's available for free download and another that has stuff that you have to buy.
I'm trying to catch up at school after being out for a week, so I have to control the amount of time I spend on "fun" reading, (Hucho, Pneumatic Tire, etc.) and playing with coroplast.
For some reason, MPT came in at 9k/sec for me, on a broadband connection, so it's good to hear it's downloading better for other people.