Originally Posted by cfg83
BlackDeuceCoupe and digitaldissent -
But wait, there's more! You can't compare MPG between 1998 and 2007 without taking the new EPA MPG tests into account...
I compared "automatic to automatic" transmission in the above picture. I didn't pick the Civic HX because that's a "special" drivetrain...
Curb weights are almost equal ...
They're about dead even...
But wait, a drive a CiViC HX...
Look, I don't dislike the Yaris! It's a sub!
However, that's where the similarity ends... that and the mileage!
My HX has 160+ HP - a 8200 RPM cutoff - and gets 40+ MPG.
His Yaris has 106 HP downhill with a tailwind - and it gets 41+ MPG.
It's a whole different driving experience - believe me!
Here's a typical B16A2 (nothing special) just like mine and everyone elses'...
0-95 MPH (153 km/h)
There are dozens of videos on YouTube like this!
Here's a Yaris...
0-87 MPH (140 km/h)
Notice any difference, or is it just me?