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Results may vary on your aero mods. This is why
individual field testing is so important because what a grill block gets for me on my route in my Scion may not be applicable to the gains for Bearleener on his route in his Golf. I also had to take into account of the high temps -- full block had the best GPH gains but I was tripping the electric fan after 20 miles of city and idling drives. I compromised and used an upper block and a mesh for the lower block (which deflects air proportional to the speed I'm traveling).
Unbiased testing with repetition also helps remove any placebo gains that mods may create in a driver's mind.
I've also gotten to the point that I can help my FE by driving a new route. A shorter distance is not worth the hit I take when I have to deal with other drivers and all the lights. (I'm on the prowl to beat 43mpg/tank and humanity is not helping...