So my rear pans are almost done, finally. I never seem to do anything the easy way so, as usual, they are pretty complicated and took a lot of time. Hopefully they help a little more than my first attempt. I needed to have access to my spare tire (mounts under the car) so I made a three piece rear pan. I also am concerned about covering the exhaust, but I'm hoping that the vent holes will allow enough cooling without ruining the airflow too much. Here are a few pics of the work in progress.
The three piece pan and a pan to cover the exhaust pipe behind the catalytic converter.

I decided to ad small strakes (is that the right word?) to try and direct the air better.

I had to fill and paint the back of the pans since they will show.

I have a 200 mile trip on the weekend, so it will be a good test run.
Almost all my driving is done 1-5 miles at a time.
Best short trip: 2.4 l/100 km, 3.9 km