Originally Posted by Tango Charlie
I saw that yesterday, and I really wanted to post 'Ice cream at my place - Tonight!' because I was in an ornery mood. But I didn't. I didn't want anyone thinking I was a goon. 
Why would people think you were a goon for inviting them to have ice cream at your place? I love ice cream, and no one that invites me over for ice cream is a goon in my opinion.
Originally Posted by TheDon
wouldn't it be "greener" to not have meet ups
-chortle chortle-
I have often thought the same thing, especially when hearing about the hypermiling competitions where people waste gas proving how good they are at saving it. That kinda makes me laugh at the irony of such activities.
What's even funnier is that I wanna participate in meet ups and hypermiling competitions.
How about an old school road rally where time is as important as saving gas? That might be fun, but it would still be wasting gas.
Allan Greenblazer