Originally Posted by Daox
Welcome to the site. What do you think your first project will be?
I'm going for an easy one first: a kill switch. Also, next week I need to tackle a slow clutch leak, as it prevents me from trying "pulse and glide." After that? I've had some kind of plug-in hybridization on the back of my mind for years--either an Etek motor coupled to the engine where the alternator is now, or a drop-down electric fifth wheel, or something.
Before my Honda was sidelined with a weak coil, I was averaging 26-27 mpg. Just slowing to 62-65 (in the right lanes, of course) and running my A/C in "P&G" mode bumped me up to over 30, and that includes climbing a 17.1 mile mountain route to get home each night. This whole hypermiling business is a nice outlet for my latent OCD. :-)