I have often played a game while driving of timing traffic lights.
If you can memorize the timing you can adjust your speed to make every light when its green (I am sure a lot of us do this)
This morning while driving my normal route and going 5mph under posted a Chevrolet Avalanche behind me got a bit perturbed changed lanes and speed ahead
At the first light he had to break to a full stop as I did not and went right through the light seconds after it turned green.
Unhindered by his gas mileage he speed on past me again just to replay the same scenario at the second light.
By the time we got to the third light I could see he was watching me and seemed a bit upset. as he took off to the fourth light you could tell he was bound and determined to leave me in his dust.
As I cruised on up to the 4th light I reduced my speed another 5mph so that I could again cruise through the light, however as I approached the intersection the Avalanche peeled out and took off across the intersection while the light was still red.
I however entered after the light had turned green.
I did however have to slow down a bit as the State Trooper peeled out of the Whataburger to pull over the Avalanche.
All in all I would say today has been a good day.