Hello, new to the site. For my d.d. I drive a '84 Honda Civic Hatch 1300 w/ over 200k miles on it. No smoke, & very little drink. I also have a '93 Dodge Dakota extra cab 4x4 w/ 3.9 magnum, and the girlfriends '86 Nissan 2wd P.U. with the Z24. I pull between 16 & 20 mpg in my dodge, the Nissan gets about 24 mpg, but it's an automatic. The civic is the real gas sipper, and am pulling 50+.
Normally I check my mpg every fill up, but my odometer and trip don't work in my civic (will fix eventually). I've only had the car for about a month, but am quite certain I'm getting 50 mpg and better. I confirmed this by filling up @ my usual gas station, then driving over 250 miles to another city and back to the same gas station where I filled up. I then googled the miles of the trip, and divided that by the 5.2 gallons it took to fill back up. I was also doing 65-70 mph on the freeway, and felt like I wasn't getting near as good of gas mileage, as when I kept it under 60 mph. Plus we drove around some when we got there. I'm certain my car will pull at least 55 mpg if I keep it under 60 mph. I'm dying to fix my odometer so I can have the proof on paper! I'm not new to the civic, and this is my third one that has gotten at least 50 mpg.
First thing I want is a vacuum gauge. I know my driving habits can be improved upon. I like jack-rabbit starts, and I'm sure I hit 4k rpm's regularly. If I had the gauge I would no doubt start kicking myself for wasting so much fuel. I haven't thought about mods too much, but I ONLY use ETHANOL FREE fuel, and use Lucas fuel additive often. I also use Lucas oil stabilizer in my oil (not in my trucks, because I already run Royal Purple in them, and that's 50 bucks an oil change). Anyways, I'm sure this site will give me plenty of ideas to help me along my way to better mpg's!