Got the truck running again, guy at the parts store said before he knew much about cars he had an 88 carbed, and he thinks now the float was just sticking, just randomly died on him one day and wouldn't start back up. Tapped on the carb and heard the float drop. Runs as good or slightly better now

Might give seafoam a shot in the tank to see if it will loosen up the buildup that is making it stick. If not I have a 2nd carb they gave me to fix it. If that flops I'll just have to clean and/or rebuild the carb.
Bought air filter, fuel filter, and water pump to get started on it. On shift at work so idk when I'll get it done, air filter of course was 3 mins lol.
Another good thing not really related to this thread, yesterday and today the corolla got really good mpg even though it isn't "hot" out. MPG gauge said 45 and 50mpg for yesterday and today. It isn't calibrated, but it isn't super far off. Been having a hard time getting over 40mpg on it, and driving 55-60mph was running 34-36mpg, just wasn't right, I'm thinking it might be the EGR valve sticking, bad primary O2 sensor, or the CAT is in fact going back (seems to act up in cycles). Check engine light comes on rarely with a CAT inefficiency code, and normally when that happens, I'm getting good mpg but going faster or on take off