I recently had to replace the radiator in my Grand Cherokee. It was seeping, but not at the plastic end tanks... I didn't overheat yet, but it wasn't too long till it would.

I was also beginning to lose trans fluid...
I'm always amazed how much stuff costs these days. But was pleasantly surprised to find
Radiators, automotive radiators, condenser, oem radiators, truck radiators. I ordered a 2 row ALL METAL radiator for just $135 delivered....

Purty, huh?
Anyway, I am going to have to look for a warmer thermostat. This new radiator seems to be running TOO cool. Almost two lines lower on my temp gauge. Problem is, I don't what temp thermostat is in there. So I need to get a real gauge on it.
With my new job, I ride in a vanpool, so I don't often get to drive my Jeep for work anymore. This week I had training away for the work place and put better than 500 miles on the Jeep. Pleasantly, even running the AC, I still managed 20.2 MPG for the last complete tank.
I HAVE managed almost 200 miles of offroad travel in the last month, and a camping trip. I really LOVE my Jeep. But then again, its not a true MPG monster... But doggone, it sure runs cool... Pretty important considering I intend to pull my tent trailer with it...