Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Their claim of 1,200 mile range with a 320kWh battery puts the energy consumption at ~267Wh/mile - which is better than many EV cars. That is a little hard to believe.
Edit: it is a hybrid, and it has a turbine generator. So, it uses an unknown amount of fuel to go the 1,200 miles.

Rivian is 435 Wh/mi,2.3-miles/kWh, 69.5-mpg-e @ 90% charge efficiency.
There's some context being used to qualify these quanta.
320-kWh = 7,9784-gallons Diesel.
@ 1,200-miles, that's averaging 150.405-mpg ( a Chevy BOLT @ 45-mph )
Regen efficiency = 81.1% according to Emissions Analytics.
The Gen-I Chevy VOLT is a serial-hybrid and averages 37-mpg at a constant 65-mph on Regular Unleaded.
Does the EPA even require MPG testing for Class-8 trucks?
And does Nikola build there own special low-drag, low-weight, trailers, and special LLR truck tires?
Lots of unknowns.