Hi Cats,
So here's where I'm at with my trouble shooting. I managed to take apart the plastic connection w/o breaking it up.

It runs like I think it should, no hesitation or dead pedal. I can even drive at 35 MPH in 5th gear @ 1100 RPM.
My CEL came on, so no concerns that my light is burned out, but now no upshift light. So I probably need another O2 right? I found one on Ebay, 5 wire, for 60 bucks. The company name is Sixity. Good price?
I've been reading so many of the VX treads that I can't remember who told me what, but I've been following your suggestions. Thanks big time! Someone said they would try & find the link for an inexpensive O2 they bought.
Thanks again for all your time & knowledge,
