I've been tinkering with cars and gadgets since 1981. Tripolion, Tornato, Electro-Karb, Eagle research stuff like magnets and the Vitalizer. They all did something but notheng earth shattering. I've moved on to something that did work and has been working for two years. The idea is as old as dirt but it works.
Step 1: buy an older diesel.
Step 2: fix it up
Step 3: go on the internet, buy a GreaseCar, Frybrid, V.O.Tech or even a PlantDrive kit and install the bad boy into the car.
Step 4: enjoy 130 MPG (diesel) and higher depanding on miles traveled.
(sorry it doesent work if you drive short hops under 18 miles, one way.
No $55,000, 45k mile life expectancey Hybrid required.