I must admit the evening started out pretty disappointing when I connected the battery cables and saw smoke coming from them. My first indication that something was wrong came when the light I was using for a pre-charge resistor did not go out. Having never done this before I thought maybe I falsely expected it to go out and connected the battery cables. That's when the smoke appeared. Luckily from the cables and not from the controller. Those with a keen eye will be able to tell what I did (Do not be thrown by the color of the battery clamps connected to the controller.)
I was tempted not to post this, but hope others may learn from my mistake. I will wait and see who can tell the world my error.
If no one gets it (but I'm sure you will) I will describe the error of my ways.
I must admit the evening started out pretty disappointing when I connected the battery cables and saw smoke coming from them. My first indication that something was wrong came when the light I was using for a pre-charge resistor did not go out. Having never done this before I thought maybe I falsely expected it to go out and connected the battery cables. That's when the smoke appeared. Luckily from the cables and not from the controller. Those with a keen eye will be able to tell what I did (Do not be thrown by the color of the battery clamps connected to the controller.)
I was tempted not to post this, but hope others may learn from my mistake. I will wait and see who can tell the world my error. If no one gets it (but I'm sure you will) I will describe the error of my ways.