Here it is where the curtis used to be.
I took it for a short drive around the neighborhood, not going too fast, and accelerating gently. It was sort of stressful and scary, not knowing if something was going to catch on fire or something. I still have a headache from it. I
I need to fine tune the delay after the hardware shuts off the mosfets. I had put in a really long one earlier and forgot to change it back to something more reasonable, and when I was at a standstill on the driveway, trying to go up, I hit the current limit and the delay was so long (like 1 millisecond or something) that the current dropped all the way to like 0 by the time it turned on again, causing the average current to be very small on very steep hills at near 0 rpm.
So, I need to reduce the delay so that the current doesn't fall that much below the 500 amp limit before being turned on again. People may actually need all 500 amps at start up (going up a really steep hill!) Geeze!
Now is the super annoying part. I don't have a laptop, so I get to unbolt everything, and drag that dang thing into our bedroom to re-program it with a shorter delay, and then re-bolt in everything! Dang it! I need to get a nice cheap laptop.
I'm too stressed to feel happy right now. It was scary having it in the car, and imagining all the fire explosion scenarios! I'm glad it works, though!