I finally ordered a second 43" 4k Samsung.
How do I dual-wield?!
Most Tradewars games are high- or unlimited turn, so you are supposed to run your computer 24/7.
I spend too much time on my computer, but I have looked into something like this Win10 stick PC:
In theory, I could plug it into my TV, connect a third (fourth?) and more-expensive KVM switch to it, and have it run 24/7 while I periodically put my tower to sleep.
Then I just think that I have an old laptop that I can use.
Before I got into grad school, I played WoW on my laptop, plugged into my TV and it looked pretty good in 1080.
It looked better in 4k, but the framerate wasn't adequate.
I used to play on my desktop, which now has a much better video card, but I don't know if the CPU is fast enough anymore.
I also miss WoW less and less.
There is just too much to do.
A Ferrengi!
Die, Ferrengi, die!