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Old 08-03-2009, 11:30 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Old 08-03-2009, 11:41 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:44 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Hi Piwoslaw.

Top notch work on the kammback. I like the way the lines flow and the way they compliment the tail lights. You also did well to have the centre brake light coming over the kammback. Very nice!
Re: your roof rail inserts. You could get some stainless countersunk allen bolts to hold the inserts in. They'd be flush and look better too.
The wheel skirts look awesome. The boattailing on them is fantastic and should join seamlessly with the belly pan. Have you tried removing the rear wheel with them on?

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Old 08-07-2009, 05:23 PM   #34 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Damned irresponisible rubberneckers!!

On Monday afternoon I went into town. Rubberneck galore!!!! At least three drivers took pictures with their phones while driving, one van stayed in the lane next to me for four kilometers, blocking everyone behind, with the passenger yelling at me "What is this supposed to be?" All of this at 80km/h. Whenever I stopped at a red, the cars in the neighboring lanes wouldn't pull up right next to me, but slightly behind. I was kind of expecting this, but I thought drivers would be at least slightly more responsible. I'm putting this in my signiture:
Originally Posted by blueflame View Post
The more you drive, the less you think. Thats why I always take the bus.
That monday excursion really stressed me out. I'm not a shy person, but I don't like being in the center of attention either. Especially if this attention can be potential hazard When I got to my destination I was really tensed up and had to walk around a park for 30 minutes to calm down.
After that I picked up the Wife and told her about my trip, and she says "Aw, come on. You've been reading that forum of your's too much and you're seeing things. Noone really cares." As she was saying this I was waiting at an intersection for a city bus to roll by. Just as she finished, the bus suddenly stopped in the middle of the intersection, the driver stared at Svietlana for 5-6 seconds, and continued on. Wife: "I take that back. Sorry."
Maybe it's good I didn't do a full boattail or the Air Force would escort me to the nearest landing strip. That's what you get for being the only rear-skirted and Kammbacked car within thousands of kilometers.

Anyway, down to business. It's hard to tell whether the mods made a big difference since I was too stressed out and had to pay a lot of attention to what was going around me and not get hit, plus there was a moderate wind that day. But, on the way home, there is a long (1-1.5km) downslope going from the city center to the river, and normally if I start at 80km/h I barely slow down. With the mods my speed was constant, maybe with a slight tendency to increase

BTW, the Monday trip was to take the Wife to her driver's licence exam. She passed

Today I went to get the oil filter and oil changed (to 5W30, previously either 5W30 or 5W40, I don't know). As I left home the computer signalled that I have fuel for only 95km left in the tank (I've already done 1250km). I did 10km and when I got back the comp estimated that I now have fuel for 100km. Now, how's that for hypermiling?!

If all goes well, this Sunday I'll do coastdown and cruise control testing, A-B-A style. Anything in particular that I should pay attention to? Any last minute suggestions?
e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

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"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell

[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread
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Old 08-07-2009, 05:35 PM   #35 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Originally Posted by vtec-e View Post
Top notch work on the kammback. I like the way the lines flow and the way they compliment the tail lights. You also did well to have the centre brake light coming over the kammback. Very nice!
I guess I'm lucky that the designers made the rear lights the way they did. Absolutely ideal for a Kammy The center brake will probably be covered up with extra bands. I did think about cutting out a hole and putting in a plexi window so the center brake would be visible.
Re: your roof rail inserts. You could get some stainless countersunk allen bolts to hold the inserts in. They'd be flush and look better too.
The wheel skirts look awesome. The boattailing on them is fantastic and should join seamlessly with the belly pan. Have you tried removing the rear wheel with them on?
I've make new roof rail covers from aluminum scraps. Looks slightly better. I think I will go with the countersunk screws. The gap between tire and reinforcement bar inside the skirt is about the width of a finger, so no way to get the wheel off without pulling the skirt. Fortunately, it comes off in about a minute, so no problem. Putting it back on is trickier and can take up to 5 minutes.
e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

What matters is where you're going, not how fast.

"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell

[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread
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Old 08-07-2009, 07:04 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Re: the centre light. You could just apply some heat gun to the kamm back and bend that part of it down. It would leave the rest of the kammback to do it's job while you had visible brake lights.
You also mentioned the similarity to a nuns cornet. Might i suggest the name "Nunnback" for your creation? It's up to you, but it cracked me up on the way to work! I definitely got about 30km out of it!
In any case it seems you got some decent improvement in drag reduction as per your last post. Kudos to you!!! I bought ecomodding material about two months ago and still have to do something with it!!!

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Old 08-08-2009, 03:01 AM   #37 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Nunnback, I love it!! Unfortunately, it doesn't translate into Polish at all But I may just call it a 'Kornet'. I like how you used the double 'n', as in 'Kamm'. I'm still ROTFLOL Nothing like a good laugh to start the morning. Thanks, Ollie

After I glue the reinforcement to the Nunnback, I'm thinking about painting the underside flat black, to reduce glare, etc. Is this a good idea? I've painted the outside with 2-3 layers of spraypaint. The color is supposed to be identical with the car's paint job, but it's not as shiny. The reason for painting is not only looks, but also UV protection, since the polypropylene coroplast I used isn't UV-resistant. Any guesses as to how long it'll last and how to protect it?
e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

What matters is where you're going, not how fast.

"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell

[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread
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Old 08-08-2009, 04:27 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Piwoslaw -

Originally Posted by Piwoslaw View Post
I guess I'm lucky that the designers made the rear lights the way they did. Absolutely ideal for a Kammy The center brake will probably be covered up with extra bands. I did think about cutting out a hole and putting in a plexi window so the center brake would be visible.

Just another . The instant-off design is great. It's soooo clean! I'm gonna try your coroplast-heat-bending method with a heat-gun.


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Old 08-08-2009, 05:53 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Painting the underside would keep glare to a minimum. The "Kornet" name is probably more respectful too. I just wanted to throw it out there!

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Old 08-10-2009, 07:56 AM   #40 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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What a night...

Oh, what a night. On saturday evening we met with some friends at a club. Beer (I didn't drink), singing sailors' songs, shouting, dancing, partying. Got home as the eastern horizon was getting light. I put the Wife to bed, crawled into the car and went coastdown testing. I had a paraphrased version of the Beach Boys' Surfin' Safari in my head:
"Let's go coastin' down
Everybody's learning how
Come on and coast down with me
(come on and coast down with...)"

At 04:30 I was filled up and ready to start. Since the car was already "dressed up", this was the 'A' of 'A-B-A'. So 'B' is the standard car, as the factory made it (only tire pressure was 50psi instead of 36psi), while 'A' has:
  • removed roof rails
  • lower grille opening totally covered
  • Kammback
  • rear wheel skirts
  • folded passenger side mirror

The air temperature during the 3 hours of testing was between 8-11*C (recorded every 15-45min.), humidity around 70%, pressure reduced to sea level about 1020 hPa. No wind. I estimate the car with me and a full tank, but without rear seats, weighs about 1550kg.The test track was a 4 lane (w/ median) road going east from the Warsaw city limit. Elevation about 100m. Unfortunately, central Poland is supposed to be as flat as a pancake, but pancakes have lumps, and this pancake was made on a crooked frying pan. As I found out during testing, the road slightly slopes down towards the west (river basin), giving a 20% difference between E and W runs The test track has a 2km stretch between urban zones, with a speed limit of 100 km/h. At each end is a turnaround, a few hundred meters further intersections with lights. Since this is one of the most important transport routes, there are a lot of cars, trucks and busses. Sunday morning at 5am would be the best (and only) time to try to do tests here. Unfortunately, towards the end of testing there was more and more traffic, so I only did the bare minimum. On the last few passes I would have to wait up to 30 seconds to turn around, and then wait on the side for a hole in traffic to allow me to not get in the way, and vice versa. On a few occasions a passing car or truck may have effected the trial

First I did the 'A' coastdown with a webcam aimed at the GPS.

Instead of fooling around with recording each run separately, I left it on while turning around. Six passes (3 in each direction) took about 17-18 minutes. I have yet to go through the data for coast downs, so I'll post that later.

After coasting I did cruise control. I set the CC to the right speed using the GPS instead of the speedometer. I did two passes at 70 km/h (one in each direction) and four passes at 100 km/h. I'd turn the CC on earlier so that it stablizes and reset the fuel gauge at the beginning of the 2km test track. I know that my built in gauge is a little low compared to at-the-pump calculations (about 0.5 l/100km), but until I get a SGII this is the best I have.

Next I took off all of the mods, put the roof rails on, opened the side mirror and did coast downs and CC for 'B' data, then put everything back on and did another round of CC testing. By now it was 07:00 and too much traffic for coastdowns. Because of traffic and time constraints I had to resign from testing each mod individually

Note The first 100km/h pass is missing b/c I had trouble setting the CC.

Here is the raw CC data in l/100km:
Speed(km/h) W E





So removing the roof rails, folding one mirror, adding a grille block, Kammback and rear skirts improved FE by just under 7% @70km/h and under 8% @100km/h. This is less than I was hoping for (at least 10%). Maybe I'd get better numbers if the test track was flatter, with less traffic, and if the fuel instrumentation was more reliable. I also would have liked to make more passes, but traffic was increasing with every minute.

I didn't use my LED DRL's in the test, since when I started the test it was too dark for them and I decided to keep the normal lights for the whole test.

During the runs I had the radio off, but when taking off/putting on mods I listened to music.

On the way home I filled up again. I used 6.5 liters of diesel, the total distance was 130-140km between 04:00 and 07:30. On the way home, the night finally caught up with me, I started feeling sleepy, but it wasn't bad enough to effect my driving.

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e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

What matters is where you're going, not how fast.

"... we humans tend to screw up everything that's good enough as it is...or everything that we're attracted to, we love to go and defile it." - Chris Cornell

[Old] Piwoslaw's Peugeot 307sw modding thread

Last edited by Piwoslaw; 05-09-2012 at 04:28 PM..
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grille block, kammback, peugeot, wheel skirts

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