The Oregon Dept of Transportation is seriously concerned about increased
fuel economy reducing their gas tax revenue. So much that they have
a 10 year program to looking taxing vehicles with an odometer tax.
EVEN THOUGH THEY Acknowledge that heavier vehicles do much more
road damage to the approx 2.5 power. So a 6600 lb F250 does 20 TIMES
more damage than a 2000lb Geo they want to tax both at 1.25 cents/mile
They plan on starting with EV's and Plug in Hybrids as a scapegoats and
proceeding to get rid of the entire gas tax as possible.
I kid you not....this is serious folks...and looking to head nationwide.
we should fight this as hard as possible.
You can find more by googling "Road user fee task force faq"
See here:
Why should fuel-efficient vehicles pay the same mileage fee rate as gas guzzlers?
This issue must be looked at from two perspectives. One is environmental and resource conservation. The other is transportation revenue. From the environmental perspective, the Road User Fee Task Force agrees it makes sense to encourage the proliferation of more fuel-efficient vehicles on to the roads as quickly as possible. On the other hand, from the transportation revenue perspective, fuel-efficient vehicles produce less fuel tax revenue because they consume less gasoline.
While it is good policy to preserve our environment and our resources, it is not good policy to let transportation revenues decline so that the transportation system cannot be properly maintained or modernized. This may sound like a policy contradiction, but it need not be. The Road User Fee Task Force believes both perspectives must be considered in making policy. The task force prefers a strict user fee for transportation revenue while encouraging purchases of fuel-efficient vehicles, such as hybrid electric vehicles, with income tax credits. — RETURN TO TOP
What would the tax rate be for a mileage fee?
The mileage fee rate would be about 1.25 cents per mile, a level similar to the existing gas tax. The task force considered numerous rate adjustment possibilities such as vehicle weight, length or fuel efficiency. For simplicity, the Road User Fee Task Force recommends only one rate adjustment; for time-of-day mileage pricing in specific areas to solve congestion problems and support congestion reduction programs. — RETURN TO TOP