I am more inclined to believe that the states are using this new slogan of "better fuel economy is killing our economy" to just line their coffers or supliment other "social" funds. I'm not saying that if I use something I shouldn't be responsible for contributing to it's existance and upkeep, but like someone else said earlier "use gas taxes to build roads, not courthouses". If you need something new or upgraded in a certain area, that municipality should be the ones directly taxed for it. Oregon is a strange case anyway as they have no sales tax to pull in income from the local populace as "consumerism" runs it's course. This proposal might actually pass there, but in states that already have a sales tax it would probably face a bit of stiffer opposition due to the nature of the tax situation. The less big-brother actually NEEDS to be in my business, the better I will be.
Enough of my soapboxing. The horse is dead.