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Old 07-06-2008, 11:49 AM   #31 (permalink)
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An automated P&G mode would be great. Press a button and the speed will vary from x to y.

It's unclear to me if wide speed ranges are better than small ranges. Certainly small ranges are more practical.

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Old 07-06-2008, 12:28 PM   #32 (permalink)
penny pincher
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lucky - '92 Toyota pickup plain
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Originally Posted by trikkonceptz View Post
please answer the following questions;

-What is the optimal speed variation; 10,15,20 mph?
-What would be the best LOD for increasing speed during a P&G
-What is the Benefit of P&G over long distance?
-Does your FE plateau or will it continue to increase over distance?

Thanks in advance for sharing the knowledge ..
I am still burning a tank in progress, but I've been engine off on the flat backroads for up to a mile and a half at a time. I'll usually run it up to 70 fairly quick, then coast gas free till the next stop sign (no surrounding traffic of course)I get to experiment with about 20 miles of FLAT backroad each way during the week.
Every dollar I save, .....I save!
half exposed Lucky http://ecomodder.com/forum/attachmen...1&d=1210727433

how it was done...


as of feb. 09, still holding up great with new owner,
who has since re-geared the rear end and gets nearly 40 MPG!
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Old 07-06-2008, 01:28 PM   #33 (permalink)
Power tuner gone eco
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I made up some theoretical charts in this thread.


Perhaps P&G between those speeds where MPG seems to be max.... (a little too slow for me on some of it)
1992 - Suzuki Swift GT
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Old 07-13-2008, 11:31 PM   #34 (permalink)
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I just posted the results of my first tank of measuring pulse and glide, 39mpg compared to 25mpg driving "normal". This is pretty amazing for a stock Toyota pickup truck. I tried to PnG whenever I could. I basically learned how to do it on this tank of gas. This was about 80% country back roads, 20% city.

On 55mph roads, I would do a 35mph to 55mph acceleration in 5th gear, then shut the motor down and coast to 35mph. Sometimes I would coast down to 25mph and do 4rth gear to 40mph and then 5th gear to 55mph.

On city streets I would start acceleration in 4rth gear at between 25 and 30mph and accelerate to about 5 over the speed limit, then coast back down, always trying to time the lights.

I used a moderate throttle to get up to speed. After a while, I wished I had a digital gas pedal, where the motor would turn off when my foot was off the pedal, and it would accelerate moderately when my foot was on the pedal. Because most of the time I was using the motor, I was accelerating and rarely motoring along with a steady speed.

I always shut down the motor when reaching the target max speed, coasted down to min speed and then restarted it by putting it in a gear higher than what I would have driven at the starting speed. It takes a while to learn how to do it. I let it idle at stoplights, which I probably could gain a little bit by electric starting it when ready to go.

In hills, I tried to time my acceleration so as to finish the acceleration on top of the hill and coast down.

I frequently tried to get people to pass me by driving about 40mph and looking to the side roads as if I was looking for a driveway or address or something.

I was pretty careful about choosing roads that I knew were low traffic and with not many stop signs. If I had someone behind me and they could not pass I drove about 52mph, and then slowed down a bit when they had a chance to pass.

Nissan Versa Aeromods
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