Thanks guys, I'll put up a couple pics so you can see what we are dealing with

Thats the truck I'm using as well, so I have the cap on already.

So there it is...I call it the IceCube....
I used to work at a dealership that sold trailers doing repairs and customizing, so I've pulled a lot of different trailers with different tow vehicles, and this thing is unlike anything I've pulled. I tried putting weight in the front to see if that helped, with no luck. I have to laugh everytime I pull it, is so ridiculously bad!
I was looking at it today and I really don't think I have enough room on the tongue to make a significant v-nose. Best I could do is maybe build a short addition at the front with a short sloped portion up top and try to angle the sides a little to break the sharp edge. I just don't know if it'll make enough difference to make it workable.