You know, mine did the same after the first two inches of lift... but I only noticed it when I realized one of my fuel injectors was going bad (could smell fuel occasionally from the front of the vehicle). Which meant that it was staying open too long or just leaking in the combustion chamber as I never could find the actual leak. As soon as the "fuel smell" started, so did some bouts of really strange mileage readings. Like I'd gone from tanks netting an average MPG of 20-24 to 14-18. Only once after that did I get something better and made it to 20 MPG again (just barely).
LOL, I feel so pathetic over here (in Iraq) making this little run on shopping list of things to fix/add to my vehicle and unfortunately the fuel injectors are not cheap and are on top of the list (cause you can aeromod your ass off, but without an engine in good tune, you might as well be.... well, I'll leave that to the imagination of the reader of this post).
Enough of my ranting, I was on here late last night, and need sleep
