Hi everyone and welcome to my build thread for my ’98 VW Polo.
Seeing how the Polo hasn’t been released in the States it may look a bit odd (Think you might get the next generation polo under a different name) basically it runs the suspension from a mkII rabbit and came with 1.0 sohc, 1.3 sohc, 1.4 sohc spi, 1.4sohc mpi, 1.4mpi dohc, 1.6 sohc and 1.9diesel in the ‘6N’ version I have here – mine’s the 1.4 Mpi sohc it’s a great lil gusty mofo and really takes off when you squeeze the volume pedal at 70mph – that partly because it was designed for the German Autobahns before they started putting speed limits up over there

, even though its shorter than the rabbit its incredibly stable at speed and will sit effortlessly and silent at 100mph all day every day (if it were legal). Although the car is now 11 years old there are no clunks bumps or bangs from the suspension of creaks etc from the interior.
My Plans
Basically I want to make the car reach 50-55MPGuk on the highway – but without the need to do P+G etc. Basically I’d like it if my fiancée could get in it and drive it in her usual carefull manner and return that figure.
The areas I’ll be looking at therefore are:
Crr (tyres/alignment/transmission/engine)
Cda ( front splitter/underpan/kamm/wheel spoilers/’DTM’ mirrors)


¾ view

Inbuilt spoiler (barely see it) in the metal work

rear - need a Kamm
So far I’ve started by adding the grill block, mainly for temp testing – its running a little too hot at the mo – fans come on when slowing below 30-40mph. Saying that we’re in a ‘heat wave’ here at 90-100 degF (its all relative)
Version 1 – brought to you in association with Duck tape!!!
Next Steps:
Version 2 grille Block
Skinny standard wheels (155/70/13)
Wheel alignment (currently seems to scrubbing with a far bit of toe-out)