End of the experiment
All good things must end... My gas usage is down to about 12 gallons on a normal month due to more bicycling, but I'm moving to a new city. Unfortunately I won't be able to cycle so much and there's no chain that gives fuel discounts. So I think I will list these jerry cans on Craigslist for $5/ea and be done with it.
All in all, I figure I saved about $90 at the pump. When the jerry cans are sold, the total will be $110. Paid $75 for the jerry cans, so the net return was 47% over 9 months. Beats the stock market, that's for sure.
2024 Chevy Bolt
2015 Nissan Leaf S, 164 mpge
Last edited by ME_Andy; 11-22-2015 at 10:16 PM..