Well (long dramatic pause) Since I have made the decision to begin the resto (and mods) on my Geo, here's what I've been up to;
12/27- research for engine kit, aero headlights, and finding household items to use for aeromods. Be sure and ask if your wife really is
never going to use her big cookie sheet again.

12/29 thru 01/01- repair wheel bearings, attempt repair on front spoiler/bumper cover. I am going to have to purchase a cover. Mine is now too far destroyed for reasonable repair. Also spent time in the local bone yard looking for the necessary cover. 3 there. 3 toast.


Holy cow, Eureka, they had a 1991 Suzuki Swift 5 speed. Trans still in place and feels smooth as I spin it over by hand. Leaks like a sieve. don't care. bought it anyways. I am sooo happy I could , well, lets not go there.

I am waiting for the discount stores/pawn shops/second hand shops to reopen tomorrow so i can go out and look for a camera. Then i can begin posting pics and you can monitor my progress. I will be streamlining the Geo (I've gotta getta name for 'er) and myself as we work this out.
Any suggestions will be appreciated, if not always implemented.
Thanx, as always. Schultz