08-06-2008, 04:43 PM
#11 (permalink)
Mr. Blue Tape
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Assume a cop pulls you over for the front side screens -- which exception in the vehicle code would you use to get out of ticket?
(10) Sun screening devices meeting the requirements of Section 26708.2 installed on the side windows on either side of the vehicle's front seat, if the driver or a passenger in the front seat has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed physician and surgeon certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a medical condition, or has in his or her possession a letter or other document signed by a licensed optometrist certifying that the person must be shaded from the sun due to a visual condition. The devices authorized by this paragraph shall not be used during darkness.
(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), clear, colorless, and transparent material may be installed, affixed, or applied to the front side windows, located to the immediate left and right of the front seat if the following conditions are met:
(1) The material has a minimum visible light transmittance of 88 percent.
(2) The window glazing with the material applied meets all requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 (49 C.F.R. 571.205), including the specified minimum light transmittance of 70 percent and the abrasion resistance of AS-14 glazing, as specified in that federal standard.
(3) The material is designed and manufactured to enhance the ability of the existing window glass to block the sun's harmful ultraviolet A rays.
(4) The driver has in his or her possession, or within the vehicle, a certificate signed by the installing company certifying that the windows with the material installed meet the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the installing company and the material's manufacturer by full name and street address, or, if the material was installed by the vehicle owner, a certificate signed by the material's manufacturer certifying that the windows with the material installed according to manufacturer's instructions meets the requirements of this subdivision and identifies the material's manufacturer by full name and street address.
(5) If the material described in this subdivision tears or bubbles, or is otherwise worn to prohibit clear vision, it shall be removed or replaced.
I think why RVs can get away with it is because those are built in or included with the vehicle, thus satisfying the exception D subsection 2. At least that's how I'm interpreting that loophole.
Oh, and I did run a rear side open window+screen test and I saw no difference in GPH at speeds of 45 and 50mph at 16tps compared with an open rear side window with no screen attached. It was also quieter and offers a shading bonus as well.
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08-06-2008, 05:08 PM
#12 (permalink)
Mr. Blue Tape
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I also had no luck in finding any commerical front side windows screens. More than a few for rear side screens though for SUVs and vans. If I was to make this from scratch, I was thinking of using industrial strength velcro but still need to epoxy/super glue the velcro fastener onto the screen so the screen doesn't get ripped off at high speeds.
I am just looking for a better way to cool car than cranking windows half way down when I have my 68 yr, old father in car with me, he has heart problems and the heat really gets him. My 7 yr old also, I don't mind the heat too much better than being cold.
I would use A/C then, especially if someone really cannot tolerate the heat. People first, FE second. 
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08-06-2008, 06:06 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by azraelswrd
I would use A/C then, especially if someone really cannot tolerate the heat. People first, FE second. 
My car doesn't have A/C that is why I am wondering about this. FE and People first. I want that solution, why not both is what I am after.
08-06-2008, 11:35 PM
#14 (permalink)
Mr. Blue Tape
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Ah, I see. Forgot you're driving a 91 Metro.
Hmmm, I suppose you can roll the dice and build the removable velcro (or magnet) screen but to minimize risk of a ticket, use it for the passenger front side for your dad. At higher speeds, that screen is more opaque to air movement but there is still heat transfer so it will keep the interior cooler. If it wasn't for that legal snippet I'd do this too (shading alone to me would be worth it). Otherwise you can go with a portable cooling device and not worry about the windows (fans, A/C, ice)
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