i joined your team
i have some goofy things going .. i modified my induction , getting induction air off the high pressure area on the chin fin , call it RACI[ ram air cold induction] or CARI [cold air ram induction]
i have a stove on the exhaust manifold and looking for a proper flapper valve . then i could test WAI real good [ id call it carburetor heat]
since i took that pic i put full moon hubcaps on.
been mulling around on something they call *acoustic supercharging*
Intake Manifold Tech: Runner Size Calculations - Team Integra Forums - Team Integra
as discussed by David Vizard [ quite the engine man ]
on his advice chopped on my manifolds and have a big SU carb [HIF44] to a log [heimholtz resonator] . intake and a 3 to 1 exhaust header
added instruments vacuum gage and EGT [ exhaust gas temp] ..
added a top injector

running MMO [ Mystery Marvel oil ] in it for baseline .. very soon im agonna see if i put a mix of Methanol /castor oil and nitromethane [TOP FUEL]in there it will *improve*FE..
i tried it out a little and that nitrometheane and castor in there sure does make it smell like a *funny car*