Today i did test EOC .
Weather was dry but windy (10km/h with cross wind) not ideal for testing :-(
Temperature: 15°C
Test road - Trip: 106.5 km
Time: nearly 2h
I did EOC 31x. Smallest EOC was 0.5 km. Longest was 2.8km.
EOC with lights on: 90% bump, 10 % key start
0.5 km - 14x
0.6 km - 5x
0.7 km - 2x
0.8 km - 2x
0.9 km - 1x
1.0 km - 1x
1.1 km - 1x
1.2 km - 1x
1.5 km - 2x
2.0 km - 1x
2.8 km - 1x
EOC Total - 25 km, 26.625 % EOC
Total refueled - 4.47 l = 4.22l/100km
I expected better results about 3-3.5l. Maybe wind and turned lights (all day lights on -order ) did some trouble with results.
Compare to my loving DFCO (DFCO+Pulse mode):
Trip: 111km
Weather : dry, 15°C , wind lower than 5km/h,
Time: 1h 50 min
Total refueled: 4.77l = 4.30 l/100km
ECO mode looks like not ideal for me.
With higher wear clutch, battery, V belt, gear-box ao. I will prefer DFCO mode
and EOC only on the distance over 1.5km.