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Old 03-27-2008, 02:38 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Daox View Post
I'll answer that one. Money.

My thermostat needs to be replaced anyway, so I might as well use a more efficient one.

That got me thinking, so I priced out what it would cost to get piston, cylinder heads, and cylinders coated.

I couldn't find cylinders, but for everything else:

pistons = 4 x $24.50
4 cylinder inline head = $200.00
Total: ~$298.00

I'd assume cylinder walls would cost $100-150 as they are less complex then cylinder heads, but more surface area then piston domes.

So total: ~$398.00-448.00...

Not cheap...and it requires the engine to be rebuilt, but it's worth it for that 0.5% MPG gain...right?

- LostCause

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Old 03-27-2008, 04:20 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I dont think you can coat cylinder walls. You would want an anti-friction coating on those. The rings will wipe out the finish after I dont know how many miles. Something that I have always wondered. Doing the exhaust port would be good on a turbo car too.

Last edited by Duffman; 03-27-2008 at 04:34 PM..
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Old 03-27-2008, 06:21 PM   #23 (permalink)
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LostCause -

Originally Posted by LostCause View Post

That got me thinking, so I priced out what it would cost to get piston, cylinder heads, and cylinders coated.

I couldn't find cylinders, but for everything else:

pistons = 4 x $24.50
4 cylinder inline head = $200.00
Total: ~$298.00

I'd assume cylinder walls would cost $100-150 as they are less complex then cylinder heads, but more surface area then piston domes.

So total: ~$398.00-448.00...

Not cheap...and it requires the engine to be rebuilt, but it's worth it for that 0.5% MPG gain...right?

- LostCause
As I read your post, that's what I was thinking. Soooooo, if you need a rebuild, maybe go all out and see what happens!


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Old 03-31-2008, 08:51 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Some of the hot-rod techniques are about getting more air and fuel into an engine. Some are about running higher rpm's. And some are about running the engine more efficiently. I've got an unbuilt 350 SBC in my shop, and I planned to use some of their efficiency techniques.

I bought hypereutectic pistons, which transfer less heat, keeping it in the cylinder where we want it. They are stock on Corvette's. I also bought a coating kit for the engine. Slick stuff for the piston skirts and cylinder walls, and ceramic coating for the pistons and head. The ceramic also has aluminum in it. After you bake the ceramic coating on in the oven, you buff the top to remove some of the ceramic and leave an aluminum veneer. So you end up with a reflective surface with ceramic insulation underneath. The kit wasn't very expensive.

I don't think I would tear my engine apart just to apply the coatings. But if I had to rebuild my engine anyway...

Roll on,

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