Teacher seeking advice: Building a small EV (2 person tadpole trike with pedals)
I am thinking about building a small EV with my students next semester and I am looking for some advice. I currently own and ride an electric bike but am thinking about something that one maybe two people could ride in. I teach Tech. Ed at a suburban high school so we have a pretty good fabrication facility. Im looking for technical advice. I am thinking about a three wheel vehicle (one rear drive wheel and two front steering wheels) with a pedal assist so it could qualify as a motorized bicycle. Questions I have - 1)Is a vehicle like this feasible? 2) How do I determine the size of motor needed? 3)How do I determine the amount of voltage and current needed to operate the motor? 4) What type of batteries are best suited for a vehicle like this? 5) What type of controls do I need for a project like this?
These are just a few questions to start with. I am sure that if I atttempt this project many more questions will follow.
Thank you,
Last edited by Tander; 01-02-2012 at 10:58 PM..