Here's the only pic I could rustle up. I didn't use any of the holes under the bumper. I just drilled small holes, for the bolt to fit thru the round part, then drilled a larger hole thru just one side for the bolt head to fit thru. I just positioned it out near where the bumper turns under, at least at a point where it looked decent.
I think your weather gets here tomarow. Can't wait for it. It's been 40 in the morning and 50 in the evening. Last tank suffered cause of some drag strip fun, but still 37mpg

I've been pushing to get 40+ on this tank, we'll see how it goes. The peak of 39.8 was done in colder weather, however I was driving like an extreme crazy man slow. People were just honking at me and such, so I've sped it up a bit and no one seems to be bothered as much, but the mpg's fell a little. Seems like the heaters might be helping by approximatly 1mpg, judging from the fuel logs. Nothing conclusive though.
We need some pic's of the "mini skirts"