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Old 04-30-2011, 02:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Is there a device like the ScanGauge for older RV?

Is there a device like the ScanGauge available for my 1982 RV?

I'm in a job that keeps me in LA for months at a time so I got an RV instead of paying nearly $1000 a month in rent for a tiny studio apartment. And I'm giving up my car and its costs in favor of the RV.

I'm certain some people might ask how the heck am I going to save money with a gas guzzlng RV. Well here's the logic. I'll park within walking distance of a film location. That means I don't use gas to go the forty mile (sometimes 100 mile) round trip of my old commute. I'll be able to get to the location the night before and sleep there. This way I avoid driving in gas guzzling mourning rush hour traffic and I avoid driving in the gas guzzling heat of afternoon rush hour traffic. And the money I'm saving in rent more than makes up for the small amount of driving I'll be doing.

I just got the RV today and already I'm trying to think of ways to improve it's fuel efficiency. The first thing I can think of is driving technique and that's where a ScanGauge would come in.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Old 04-30-2011, 08:08 AM   #2 (permalink)
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bugler - '91 Mazda 626
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considering the age of the vehicle it wont have OBD connection so you are looking for a gauge that works out the fuel used by the fuel injector pulses or a separate fuel measurement method.
A list of alternative gauges are in the wiki

Alternative fuel consumption instruments - EcoModder

I think the MPguino will do the job for you but i dont know much about them myself so i can not say for sure.
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Old 04-30-2011, 12:40 PM   #3 (permalink)
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More info is needed! What is the engine you have in this RV, gas or diesel, does it even have fuel injection, is it's fuel injection mechanical or electronic, what size and type of RV is it?

If it was my vehicle I would say to smooth out the roof, sides and underbelly as much as possible, if it has light truck tires you can get adapted rims that allow you to put heavy high pressure truck tires on the bolt pattern for light trucks allowing you to use 80psi heavy truck tires that last longer and get better mileage then what you might have already.
It's LA so the weather is warm so you could get away with a moped or motorcycle for short trips that are further then you want to walk, or you could get public transit info and use that for odd trips.
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Old 04-30-2011, 10:04 PM   #4 (permalink)
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A vacuum gauge might be a starting point, although it only provides minimal information.

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