Deelzer, the "value" is what the set of equations converged on whereas the average is the average of most (or maybe all) values.
Sketches will become available soon.
Yet again, I refined my solver.... The new results are MUCH more detailed and I feel MUCH more accurate as they results look closer to the cfd plots published by Mitsubishi. That means the longer the solver runs, the more complicated it gets by doing a series of refinements based on previous results. It does three refinements, and brings the calculation time up from a few minutes to about 3 hours.
Also, my solver must be buggy, or I'm screwing something up... I can't get batch runs in - it fails :/ So I can't just set it and forget it overnight and come back to a whole bunch of finished stuff...
Thanks for the post lunar, those are really useful...
It seems like it's much easier to design for a hatch-back since they don't have to deal with trunks that may or may not re-attach flow.
But without a trunk, there's less area to mount supports for whatever it is I'll be building