I've never driven a G1 with a good IMA so I can't answer like a comparison question. I'd assume things are harder without.
There are some steep hills near where I live. I just take them in second gear until they shallow out near the top and I can go into third. Sometimes for long highway hills I'll go from 5th to 4th, but I try to hit them with speed when possible.
Livability? Whenever I sit in the seat of this car I only drive for MPG, nothing else. I am trying to get the highest numbers possible. My record was 81.6 at just over 800 miles and just under 10 gallons. If I know I can't hypermile on a given day I'll drive my G2 Insight so I don't ruin the numbers on this G1. Previous owner sold it to me because of P1449 IMA deterioration and a couple other problems. She had a lifetime MPG of like 84, it's only gone down since I've driven it.

She didn't have an EFAS button or aero panels or anything like that so I've got some advantages but I'm guessing what's holding me back is dead IMA and hills on my commute.
Fuel log:
I love driving this car I love the challenge I just wish I could do better than I currently am.