I don't care that much, but apparently I need to spike my post count to post links so I'll throw in my unnecessary $0.02:
I greatly prefer forums to other forms of "social media" due to their organization & archiving of information. Unfortunately, almost everyone else seems to prefer emotionally manipulative dopamine/rage dispensers like facebook which means level-headed information dispensing forums are in decline everywhere. Here, despite recent record gas prices, the number of registered users in a day peaked in 2014 and the number of total visitors peaked in 2019.
So by and large forums are pretty grim places to visit these days, but I think a lot of that can be lessened by consolidating the activity to fewer subsections rather than spreading it among 21. I'd propose merging sections that have 1 year old posts still on the front page unless that section serves as a historical archive. A 10 year old section with fewer than 500 posts is averaging less than 1 post per week. Not even 1 thread, 1 post... So without a lot of existing demand, I think adding a new "EV" or "truck" section is a move in the wrong direction. Renaming or changing existing section descriptions to be more inclusive of EVs or trucks does make sense though.
I greatly appreciate that this forum hasn't been overwhelmed by spammers and bots like so many others, but requiring 15 posts before linking seems a bit excessive. As a former lurker, I registered in large part to reply/add new data to an interesting/controversial topic (the costs/benefits of hypermiling with respect to re-start emissions) and was disheartened when the post I spent an hour composing was rejected by the forum software because it contained links to university studies.
Still, I appreciate the work admins & moderators already do just to keep the lights on as is. As a point of comparison, I could not even register at the cleanmpg forum because their registration form recaptcha is broken (it was also broken on their "contact" page).