you know, reading this is sad

as an avid 4 wheeler i see all these people who buy sport uts for no known reason (never use the cargo space, complain if there is a spec of dirt on it, you get the idea) and they then act like they are king of the road. they obviously never learned to drive in bad weather, or believe that there ego gives them magical powers of control and then they go and smash up there vehicle because of this, then what do they blame, not themselves as the world would tremble with the great cry of the god they made themselves out to be but the ice was the vandal which attacked them as though an inanimate object has such power to jump out unexpectedly....
such a shame
btw, if a person is driving in poor road conditions they should know how to control there vehicle regardless of whether its fwd or rwd (ive seen many fwd vehicles in the ditches out here when we have bad storms but the suvs have worse recks, just a little less frequently around here)