Yup, it is interesting. Direct hot water injection. Hopefully nobody here still uses gasoline to heat up their brake calipers much

, but I get your meaning.
I'm trying to envision it as integral to the cooling system, I don't think my engine's cooling jackets are ready for 1500 PSI though, but I suppose it doesn't HAVE to be pre-pressurized before the engine. The water could flow through the engine (and circulate as needed), then the pump then coil around the exhaust.
Course you might not have tested all these but anyway:
What operating range saw the most efficiency increase? high load/low/mid load, high/low/mid rpm?
What operating ranges was it impractical in? i.e. where it reduced power significantly or increased emissions too much?
Was this a diesel or gasoline setup or did you try both?
Lastly, is it bigger than a