Originally Posted by suspectnumber961
You have trouble connecting the dots? Or you have trouble with those that do?
Calling those who are concerned about GMOs...radicals...would in essence label you as conservative at the least? Right wing reactionary? I think you are hiding a political position behind an apparent concern for the science.
You know, nobody has ever accused me of being anything other than a "freedom-hating commie" or a "hippie liberal"... not even back in college during debates with the Marxists... (one of my college friends is actually a Congressman here, representing a socialist organization).
Perhaps you have trouble reading. How does saying "I don't actually disagree with the UCS position" equate to me calling them "radicals"? Sorry if I don't dismiss a well-argued position out-of-hand, yet criticize poorly constructed and misleading researches. Apparently I'm not supposed to read links you post, just disagree with you so you can argue some more, right?
So....post something about healthy food? Start a thread of your own on some subject?
Take your own advice? start posting something on-topic within your topic and post about agricultural politics in the thread where you started posting about them originally?