What's the minimum wire gauge required for 4 input cables/pins on the MPGuino?
What is the maximum amperage that the lines some be handling?
I found a post where DCB referenced the center connector in this pic:

I believe that the cables pictured are 18 AWG cables.
All I found at radio shack was 20' 24 AWG 4 Solid Conductor Intercom Wire:
20' 24AWG 4 Solid Conductor Intercom Wire - RadioShack.com
It's small and solid core...
I saw a couple of pics of installs that seemed to have possibly used cell phone charging cables. Looks like fairly small wires in a common sheath, the coiling made me think of a cell phone car charger.
I am considering using a 4-flat 14 AWG trailer wire harness extension.
Like this:
Amazon.com: Hopkins 47115 4 Wire Flat Extension Harness (48")
I would cut the extension cable, wiring one cut side into the MPGuino and the other cut side into the various sources (with added cable, if required).
That would provide for a second disconnection point, not sure if it would really be needed.
But, isn't 14 AWG too excessive for the requirements?
I like the idea of re-purposing an old phone car charger, but am concerning about the rated load. Based on the pics that I have seen, it does appear capable, but I would guess phone chargers are somewhere around 18-22 AWG.
What is the cable AWG recommendation?