No, I have to give him that - he's not a warmer-upper. And the weather was actually pretty mild this week - probably averaged 5 or 6C. So his results are actually
better than normal for this time of year.
His biggest downfall: he's a
very late braker. A binary driver, really: gas or brake, no middle ground. And I think he dreams of driving a Mazda - zoom, zoom.
I talked to him about it yesterday - he said: "I guess I'd have to drive like a grandma then?" I pointed out that he could tone it down quite a lot and probably improve 30% without much effort. And because he's doing relatively short trips when he drives locally, it's not like it's going to take him significantly longer to get anywhere. Truth is, though, he doesn't really care
My mom on the other hand asked me to put the SG in
her car. We'll have to do another contest.

She's got a competitive streak, and I'm thinking she knows she can beat him - with a 4-cyl Camry automatic.