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Old 02-26-2025, 07:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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"Wing Worms" By Rebadge Designs

Decided to start a new thread about these worm shaped things I had rebadge designs create for the van. I told the fellows about how the airtabs stuck out too far and just looked silly on the van and other cars.. his first design was very similar to have the airtab looked, But I told him this would be a copyright or whatever issues, I said try again.,. he went through several designs which I just didn't like. I think the main thing is that I need this design to have a peak or sharp edge.. but rebadge founder could bring these puffy stickers to a peak., But said he would try something else.. He came up with a double peak design which offers a small peak to the winglet design..

Looking more like worms that anything areodinamitc.. he sent me two sets, One flat and one with the double design.. After placing these one the van, I had the wife look at it and although I can't verify if these things are functional.. I will try the car wash sprayer and make a video. One side of the van without these things and the other with the winglets. if we can conclude that these things off something, rebadge said they will place these for sale on their site.. I've order 23 sets of the double winglets as most will go along the rear side and a few along the top rear area of the van.

if this is something any of you want to try.. contact rebadge designs.

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Views:	27
Size:	30.5 KB
ID:	35508  

Last edited by LostinTransit; Yesterday at 02:13 PM..
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Old 02-27-2025, 02:19 AM   #2 (permalink)
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It looks like the other design separated into two pieces. Are they aligned by eye or with a template?

Do they need to alternate, or could they be align the same way?
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Old 02-27-2025, 04:48 AM   #3 (permalink)
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The "stickers" arrived on a sheet with the predesigned distance included. Template. All one needs to do is removed the base sheet from the stickers and using the clear sheet, transfer these onto the surface. it's like buying a vinyl sticker. You get a plain side and a transparent side peel back the one side, stick in place and peel away the clear side.

The longer pointed end would help direct the airflow into the center of these things and the double layer causes the flow disruption effect.. But will it be good enough. Not sure if flipping these around would more sense.. so that the double section is forward not reverse as shown in the photo.

This is one reason I asked above if these should be moved in close to a point in the middle or is there enough airflow interference with this setup. won't know till we get 23 sets of these and I do the pressure wash test.

One of my concerns is that the van has this molder lip edge as seen in the above image.. I suspect this cause some flow interference and I may end up placing these winglets within that molded edge and try to redirect air up and over that sharp edge.

Also, because these just stick to clean surfaces, I suspect one could place these on glass or rear window anywhere there';s a smooth surface. these won't stick to our texture bumper cover.

Rebadge left these spaced as you see in the picture, but can or could be moved around farther apart or closer or staggered. I guess one could select just the upward winglet instead of the upper and lower. I was going for a general airtab design.. rebadge can make you something different or include all uppers or all lower designed..

I'd like to see if anyone here would use these and just to see if these things would make a difference if placed in the correct location on their more aerodynamic car. My thing is, would these make any difference somewhere else on the van, like the hood or behind the wheels long the fender edge..

Again this is just my idea and rebadges design.. if anyone here has a better design contact rebadge. I've helped open his eyes to other sticker possibilities.

Last edited by LostinTransit; 02-27-2025 at 05:17 AM..
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Old 02-27-2025, 03:26 PM   #4 (permalink)
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The reason I ask is due to this picture:

'Vortex Strakes' in the top row.
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Old 02-28-2025, 04:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Based on your pic, would it have made more sense to have made straight winglets instead of the curvy ones?.. Plus rebadge never asked for a particular size to these and they fit perfectly within that raise section of the van. I spoke with rebadge last night asked what kind of time line are we looking at as I wanted these before the end of April. According to rebadge.. we should get all 23 set after next wed and rebadge informs me that he can do this in a reflective maternal.. But I'm fine witht he black color.
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Old 02-28-2025, 12:38 PM   #6 (permalink)
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To Be Determined.

There's probably a lot of leeway. Anything that disrupts. the airflow will work, the V shape will likely focus a vortex along it's center line. Whether that's better or worse? TBD.
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Old 03-01-2025, 05:35 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
The reason I ask is due to this picture:

'Vortex Strakes' in the top row.
I tried to upgrade this, but the Pareto Principal has orders of magnitude:

I thought that a good raster to vector conversion would create infinite resolution, which doesn't do any good here, and vectorizer.io wanted me to pay, but I took a screenshot of the vector version.

It is interesting which parts have good quality and which look worse.
The text looked worse, so I went to redo it.
I couldn't match the font easily.
What the Font said that it is Neue Helvetica Georgian, which it sells for $65, but I downloaded Helvetica Neue from download.com for free.

Times Roman was the official font of the New York Times until they replaced it with Times Roman Georgian in 2007.

Then I realized that Windows Paint does this fun thing where I add text, change the font, write the text, highlight it, change the font again, and no matter what I do, it is always Calibri.

Some people insist it works fine while others say they can't get it to work.

It sounds like some newer licenses no longer come with Paint and there may be a problem when other languages are installed, but I have only had English.

Paint just doesn't allow Center, Right-justified, and Justified, although people insist it used to.
Someone said that you can cut and paste into Word, align it, cut and paste, and it will be aligned in Paint, but that doesn't work for fonts, so I cut and pasted the image into Word.

You can create text boxes and disable the background and border, but you will have good text over bad text.
I didn't see those options, so I set the image to background and lined up text over it.
Then I deleted the text in the image and replaced it in the document.
I didn't worry about the 25% and 30% until I figured out the text boxes, but it removed bits of the diagram in the center and right.
Then I needed to figure out how to convert a Word document into an image.
I am on my laptop... for some reason.
Why am I on my laptop?!
This would have been so much easier on my desktop!

I got on here to message my wife.
I don't have Messenger set up on my desktop and plan on replacing the hard drive?


I have had problems with Windows, so I figured that I would have a fresh installation on a new 1TB SSD!

When I find the time...

The 512GB SSD I installed in Lappy died before Thanksgiving, so I swapped in the original 128GB SSD, but I still plan on replacing it with the other new 1TB SSD.

I didn't plan on derail the thread, but aside from ignoring all of this and trying to stay in grad school, I would appreciate it if anyone knew more effective ways of doing these things.

I tried different converters and one only cropped the last line of pixels from the text, the rest had the bottom of the text line up with the bottom of the window, so I pretty much lost all of the tails.

I moved the bottom of the frame (a little too far), fixed the last line of each tail, and realized that the background wasn't a single color, there were different shades.

I had really not wanted to try to fix the JPG artifacts, but when the bottom was 4 different shades of tan, I used the magic wand to select the area around the text, around the bottom half of the bottom line of diagrams, and the inside of each letter I noticed.

Hopefully, it cleaned up more of the image, but it took too long to do the bottom 20%, I wasn't doing all of it!


I just noticed that it says 30

I didn't fix the 20%, either.

As for vortex generators, I always read they are bandaids for bad aero and short of an expensive computer simulation tested in an even more expensive wind tunnel, there is a 1-in-a-million chance of getting them right.

Would a Prius (or any vehicle) benefit from well-designed VGs on their spoiler?
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Click image for larger version

Name:	Taking-aim-at-air-drag (2).jpg
Views:	49
Size:	63.1 KB
ID:	35520  
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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Old 03-01-2025, 06:40 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I didn't plan on derail the thread, but aside from ignoring all of this and trying to stay in grad school, I would appreciate it if anyone knew more effective ways of doing these things.
Don't fiddle with fonts while the grad school stipend burns?

I've never used M$ Paint. How does it compare with The GIMP?

I'm thinking specifically of Filters/Enhance/High Pass and Noise Reduction. I did an Color/Curves... adjustment and it brings out the background noise. A flood fill of a single color should fix that.

The text tool controls justification, line spacing, letter spacing.

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Old 03-01-2025, 07:50 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Paint is extremely basic, so it is quick and easy--as long as it has the features you need.

I haven't learned too many features in Gimp, so it is usually overwhelming.

I redid the image on my desktop because after all of my work to reduce noise, the forums created it all over again!

I uploaded a PNG, which it automatically converted to a lossy jpg.

Someone suggested irfanview, which appeared to be a happy medium, but if there is a way to show the toolbar, it isn't obvious.
You can't see the text you are adding until it is permanent, so I would need to do a great deal of trial and error.

Someone else suggested Inkscape, which looked as complicated as Gimp.
I think that I figured it out!

Load the image in Gimp, create text over the text you want.
Switch to the move tool and click on your text.
Try to line it up with the original text.
Cancel and try again because it keeps moving the original image, not the element you just selected.
Switch colors, click on the bottom layer, and erase the original text.
Switch colors and start with the next bit of text:

I only replaced the larger text

I posted through Imgur because it doesn't convert to lossy jpg.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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Old 03-01-2025, 08:25 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I just noticed Wake boards has a white outline.

For all that work, the forum reduces it back down to 640 in width.

I should be doing Blender tutorials.

Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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