Originally Posted by tjts1
Most of the radiant heat gets into the car through the windows, not the metal roof. Either way its a moot point when the outside air temp is 95f and you're sitting in stop and go traffic for a couple of hours on the 405 freeway. Trust me. You'll be crying for AC.
My last car had a black roof, and I could notice the heat coming off it sometimes at the end of the day.
I would park facing the setting sun and use a solar reflective sheet behind the windshield and keep the windows rolled down a few inches, so it never got super hot.. (Like in Texas w/ 209 deg steering wheels).

But, if I put my hand up on the head liner, I could feel the heat.
On a real sunny day, you could fry eggs on the top of that roof!
Silver cars are nice. My kid has a black BMW X3 and that thing is like a freaking oven inside during the summer..