yesterday I was travelling with a truck and I learned something new. Truck driver had a navigator which showed height from sealevel. About 50% of the time if you looked forward in a small "downhill" and started to look the navigator and it told that it was infact a uphill 1 meter up every 50 meters or so. So you cannot tell with your eye is it really or uphill or not.
Problem is that you have been in a deep uphill and it just get smaller uphill. Your eye says now it turned to downhill but its just not so deep anymore.
So get a navigator or some other device that shows is it really a downhill or not. I have wondered many time that why does not my roll in this downhill

. It must have been uphill then

I started to wonder what else you could use to tell which way you are going?
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Glue that to your sidewindow etc and that might work. I will give it a shot
