This story is a little bit belated, but it has to do with the first part of the swap, which deals with actually picking up the junk I would need for the swap.
It started with a 573 mile trip out to Toledo, OH. I filled up once on the way there, at something like 64 mpg. Wasn't the best but I don't think I'd been paying particular attention and I also broke my mpguino during the trip, which disabled lean-burn and one of the injectors.
Anyway, I got to Fabio's place at about 9 pm, then we got straight to work ripping apart the car, right through the night until we took a break at about 5am, during which I napped in my car for 2 hours. Waking up we did more work until about 10 pm that night, when I took off with all the junk in my car (except the exhaust which I stupidly forgot).
The way home was slightly less smooth. After having several "I'm still driving and not getting anywhere" nightmares on the side of the road, one of my new Insight wheels ended up breaking right off exit 185 on I80 in PA. Luckily, it was right by the exit since the next one was 8 miles up and the last one 14 miles back.
The little amish town I was stuck in had a gas station and a cafe, but nothing else. After chilling out there for about 6 years and eating really good pizza and sweet potato fries, wonderboy rescued me:
After that I filled up a sweet 75.5 mpg: and finished my way home. Finally home at 4am, I slept in preparation for heading out to amec at 11 am the next day.
Good times. I think we're up to date now!