HOLY **** GUYS! Its here! Its finally here!
For those not in the loop: Why am I so excited? Because this is a bike that throws value out the window in favor of creating an actually usable inline four cylinder bike! 250cc Inline four! The last bikes with this engine configuration were made in 2004, and were detuned naked bike versions of the sport bikes that came before them. None were equipped with fuel injection.
I own a 250cc Inline four. It is from 1988, I got it for $2500. I did not buy it because it was a good deal(which it was..), I did not buy it because I love carburetors....I bought it because it was the ONLY reasonably attainable bike I could find that would let me experience the true joy of a tiny screaming inline four.
Sounds like it will be available in Indonesia and Japan so far, no word on U.S. yet. Hopefully the small but vocal group of mericans' who desperately want a baby screamer speak up and make Kawasaki consider release in the U.S.. My wallet is ready, I will gladly pay $13,000 for a screamer that I can actually use. Allegedly has a steel frame, so hopefully that means they did sufficient cost cutting to position it in their lineup in a way that they can actually market it. Not everyone is as dedicated as me to have a usable screamer. I really don't want a reason to restart the 25 year clock on importing, already have plenty of bikes tempting me, yet so far away!
I've seen power figures quoted between 45 and 60 horsepower, probably gonna be around 50, being realistic here. I'm not hung up on power, I just want my damn screamer with fuel injection and parts availability.
Even if it doesn't come to the U.S. I would probably import one for a track bike.
MPG isn't really the strong suit of a miniature four cylinder bike, probably gonna get low 50 MPGs with the average rider.
I bet Honda is really regretting making a neutered version of the true CBR 250RR right about now..