Thread: The 'new' Paseo
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Old 10-03-2008, 11:37 AM   #7 (permalink)
Wannabe greenie
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90 day: 18 mpg (US)

Zippy - '10 Kymco Agility 125
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Originally Posted by Daox View Post
Here are my rough calculations (thanks Darin) on what I would need.

45 mile round trip
estimated 450 Wh per mile @ 60 mph (number based off this and Darin's numbers)
45 miles * 450 Wh = 20250 Wh of battery capacity
20250 * 2 (so I don't go below 50% discharge to retain battery life) = 40500 Wh of battery capacity

12V Trojan T-1275 has 150Ah * 12V = 1800 Wh of capacity per battery
40500 / 1800 = 22.5 batteries worth of capacity
we'll just call it 24 batteries to make it easy to split up into series/parallel

24 batteries * 82 lbs each = 1968 lbs

So, as you can see, getting the Paseo to have a range of 45 miles @ 60 mph is no simple task. 24 batteries weighs almost as much as the stock car! I'm looking into if I can plug in at work or not. That would only require 12 batteries then.
You're probably overquoting your Wh/mi a bit (one Paseo in the EVAlbum uses 362 Wh/mi), but yes, a Paseo is really pushing it, unless you can charge at work or within walking distance of work. That same 362 Wh/mi Paseo is rated for 45 miles range with brand new batteries. That means that it won't be long before you won't have the juice to reach that unless, like you said, you load enough lead to only use 50%.

This is the one case where a small pickup would probably be better. Much more room for batteries, better load capacity, easier to convert and you already know how to make those more aero. :-) A high-mpg car is probably better off being sold off to offset somebody's gas guzzler than being converted to electric itself.

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