I have an HX and I'm getting 42 mpg (tank averaging) for the last 4 tanks. The thing you want to consider most when looking at what car you want is year and safety and looks. Hybrids are too expensive and I hate the way CRX's look so I knew it was a VX or HX for me (the newer the better cause newer generally = safer and less miles = less problems in the near future)
Then I considered that the 96+ models were the next generation up so probably a little safer with standard airbags and also OBD II. Therefore I started looking for HX's and found one (5 speed). (Although I actually preferred the hatchback VX but there pretty hard to find)
One thing you must know before you dedicate yourself to a model because of fuel gains others seem to be getting is your willingness to change your driving style. I haven't seen anyone getting 40+ out of stock HX's that much and it's pretty much because I have to drive like a grandma (always try to stay below ~2000 rpm and 0-60 is in the 40-60 second range giving light engine load, better FE)
The moral of the story is you can rate cars if you want but it all depends on your discipline/driving style. This is a hard lesson I've learned and hopefully you can learn from me as well. I actually enjoy driving 65 on the interstate now. I used to go 85 but I've found that slowing down has actually calmed me down on the road. I just save my speed kicks for my streetbike now.
Is anyone else on ecomodder getting 40+ out of a stock HX? I was going to do a bunch of mods and copy AndrewJ/Basjoos's genius work but that's until I found out I hit my mpg goal with my car stock. (44+ mpg) Of course now I'm carpooling so I get 80+