I need to update my fuel log, the car has been averaging 62MPG US for the summer.
Here is the newest update of the car, I put it into "winter mode",

This is Plasti-dip. It is a rubberized "paint", that stays flexible and provides good protection, but is entirely removable! I re sprayed my rear bumper because I wasn't happy with it, and i just literally peeled the plasti dip off an resprayed. This stuff is cool because it doesn't hurt the paint under it (it actually protects it). So hopefully this will keep it protected from the salt a bit over the winter (and it's been oil sprayed again). I also put my winter rims/ tires back on (not in the pictures).

The reason that the lights are black is because the plasti dip is so easy to peel/remove that it's easier to just spray over them and peel them, instead of masking them off.
You can also see my air dam in this picture, it's from a first generation S10 with a few relief cuts to fit the curve of the bumper.